Recently defined in API RP 1175, the development and documentation of a comprehensive Leak Detection Plan (LDP) is vital to ensuring that pipeline operators can properly detect and respond to unintentional product releases from pipelines, as well as manage their internal cultures and external communications to the public. UTSI is relied upon by several major pipeline operators to either review the LDP they have developed, or to compile and document the practices employed by their leak detection team, along with information from other related departments, into a fully developed LDP.
The LDP identifies and compiles procedures for several elements of the pipeline operator’s leak detection program, including:
- Leak detection culture and strategy
- Examination of methodology used to select leak detection methods
- Evaluation of performance targets, metrics, and KPIs
- Examination of testing procedures for each component of the LDS (Leak Detection System)
- Control center procedures for recognition and response
- Alarm management
- Reliability centered maintenance for the leak detection system
- Roles and responsibility training
- Overall performance evaluation of the leak detection program
- Management of change
- Continuous improvement